PDC bound

less than 1 minute read

I’m lucky enough to be able to post with the following image:

PDC selling out

less than 1 minute read

By the way, as Robert Scoble noted, PDC is very close to selling out - if you want to go you’ve probably only got a day or so to buy a ticket.

FxCop and generated code

less than 1 minute read

If you struggle with FxCop complaining about code that was generated for you, say from WSDL or XSD, then help is (well, will be) at hand. In .NET 2.0 (RTM), ...

Best IE7 Review

less than 1 minute read

Sam Gentile has the most succinct review of IE7 I’ve seen yet: “It certainly sucks a lot less now.” Praise indeed, and I certainly hope it is at least that g...

Toshiba Tecra M4 crippled in the UK

1 minute read

I’m one of those people who has followed the exploits of Eric Mack with his new Toshiba Tecra M4. In fact, I’ve been a fan of the concept of a tablet since ...

Dogs and work

less than 1 minute read

Seeing Mike Stall’s post about how his black Lab reminded him of race conditions provides me with an opportunity to mention the contribution my dog has made ...

Improved printing in IE7

less than 1 minute read

Now that we’ve released IE7 Beta 1 to a developer audience, Markus posted about the improvements we’ve made in printing. He’s written up a good overview and ...

Windows 2000 - Extended Support

less than 1 minute read

I fondly remember the release of Windows 2000 and what it allowed us to do. With the introduction of COM+ and IIS 5, it dramatically improved the lot for web...

Avalon and Indigo are no more

less than 1 minute read

Microsoft has released a version of the WinFX Runtime Components Beta 1 (which includes the Windows Presentation Foundation (formerly code name “Avalon”) a...

IEPrint instructions

2 minute read

Recently, there have been a few links in popular places to my IEPrint add-in for printing from IE6. Given that this was a quick project written in a...

MaxiVista v2 released

1 minute read

I’ve been running MaxiVista for a while now. For the few not in the know, this application allows you to use the screen on other computers to appear as an ad...

WS-I Basic Profile Testing Tools

less than 1 minute read

ASP.NET Web Services with .NET 2.0 will include testing for Basic Profile compliance. In the mean time, the WS-I has testing tools written in both C# and Ja...

SOA: Myth or reality?

1 minute read

There is a continuing (and welcome) debate about the merits of “SOA”, although the position of some contributors doesn’t seem to be coming across very clearl...

WS-* vs. Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

3 minute read

Tomas Restrepo calls out Richard Turner for not being very pragmatic. Richard outlines his opposition to building a communications “bus” for the enterprise ...

Pragmatic Service Orientation

7 minute read

There is a lot of industry buzz around service orientation and “SOA” and a number of prominent voices within Microsoft are trying hard to articulate the appr...

Have email viruses had their day?

less than 1 minute read

ZDNet reports that some attendees at the Infosecurity Europe conference think the email virus’ heyday is over. This is an interesting observation and one I’...

Channel 9 content

less than 1 minute read

There have been some interesting Channel 9 videos recently. The video with Bill Hill was about 90 minutes long but interesting all the way through. I cited t...

Contract First web service design

2 minute read

The debate about the “contract first” approach to designing web services has been raging again. This usually revolves around whether to design WSDL and XSD f...

Clearing up some of the VSTS confusion?

less than 1 minute read

Rick Laplante, general manager of Visual Studio Team System, responds on Channel 9 to customer complaints about VSTS’s planned licensing and pricing.

Remotely Enable Remote Desktop

less than 1 minute read

Remotely Enable Remote Desktop: For those times when “…you forgot to enable the [Remote Desktop] feature before you shipped the server out to Kalamazoo.”

Team Foundation Installation Guide - Beta 2

less than 1 minute read

The latest version of the Installation Guide for Beta 2 of Visual Studio 2005 Team Foundation Server is available for download either as a CHM or PDF file. ...

Whidbey Beta 2 Sign-off

less than 1 minute read

As Scott Guthrie reports, Beta 2 for .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 was signed off at the end of last week and will be available for download from MSDN Sub...


less than 1 minute read

This is a pretty cool way of seeing where all that disk space you thought you bought has gone.

MSDN TV: Working with Medium Trust in ASP.NET

less than 1 minute read

Excellent short MSDN TV segment explaining the Code Access Security (CAS) features in ASP.NET 1.1. This allows you to lock down the permissions for differen...

ASMX 2.0 - Nullable Types

less than 1 minute read

ASP.NET Web Services (ASMX) in .NET 2.0 introduces support for nullable types. In .NET 1.0 and 1.1, the framework didn’t support xsi:nil for value types be...

Nullable Types

1 minute read

A common problem that developers run into with .NET v1.1 is the situation where you want a value type such as an int or bool but you want to allow for the va...

ASMX 2.0 - SOAP 1.2 Support

1 minute read

The new ASMX runtime in .NET 2.0 will support SOAP 1.2. How useful this turns out to be remains to be seen since almost everyone is using SOAP 1.1 at the mom...

ASMX 2.0 - Basic Profile 1.0 Conformance

2 minute read

ASP.NET web services (commonly known as ASMX web services) have been a part of the .NET Framework from the beginning in v1.0 when it was still early days in ...

WSE 2.0 SP3 released

less than 1 minute read

The WSE 2.0 SP3 download was released today. There is also a Runtime Redistributable to bundle with your apps.

Microsoft Security E-Learning

less than 1 minute read

Our free Microsoft Security E-Learning Clinics follow the same content outline as our Security Webcasts, but deliver that information via a learner-centered ...

Migrating from MC++ to C++/CLI

less than 1 minute read

Managed C++ takes some time getting used to with its __everything modifiers. C++/CLI is the new managed C++ what will ship with .NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 20...

BizTalk updates

less than 1 minute read

As many have noted, BizTalk 2004 SP1 was recently released. Possibly less well known is the fact that at the same time, the BizTalk team have moved to a “st...

Enterprise Library

less than 1 minute read

The long awaited Enterprise Library Application Blocks have been released. This release of Enterprise Library includes: Caching Application Block, Configur...

The problem with VB.NET default instances

less than 1 minute read

Talking about the divergence between VB.NET and C# while considering their typical audiences is a common theme. The default instance support that provides ...

How much experience is enough?

less than 1 minute read

I’ve lost count of the number of times where I have seen it said that “Only experienced xxxx should try to do yyyy.” For example, “Only experienced security ...

Log Parser 2.2

less than 1 minute read

A new version of the Log Parser tool (v2.2) has just been published. Scott Hanselman posts about his experiments parsing IIS log files.

Undocumented bugs fixed in .NET service packs

less than 1 minute read

When Microsoft issues service packs for developer tools and redistributable runtimes or libraries there is usually a knowledge base article published that li...

SQL Server Tracing

less than 1 minute read

There are a couple of good articles about SQL tracing in the MSDN SQL Server Developer Center pulled from SQL Server Professional magazine.


less than 1 minute read

Lots of WSE FAQs answered here [via Sam Gentile].

WSE Hands On Lab Update

less than 1 minute read

Hervey Wilson posts that the WSE hands on labs have now been updated for WSE 2.0 SP2 and also include VB.NET.

Windows Installer 3.0 shipped

less than 1 minute read

With little fanfare, it seems that Windows Installer v3.0 shipped in November. The platform SDK page about Windows Installer notes that this release includ...

Speeding up Adobe Acrobat Startup

less than 1 minute read

Tim Sneath outlines how to reduce the time it takes to start Adobe Acrobat Reader by moving those normally unused plug-ins.

Scott’s Lists of Ultimate Stuff

less than 1 minute read

Adding to his Ultimate Tools list, Scott Hanselman publishes his Ultimate VS.NET AddIns list and Great Tools for your Tablet PC list.