I found this thread on Google that indicates a…
I found this thread on Google that indicates a bug in the released build of MFC70.DLL. It turns out that the DLL doesn’t delay load OLEACC.DLL (Active Acces...
I found this thread on Google that indicates a bug in the released build of MFC70.DLL. It turns out that the DLL doesn’t delay load OLEACC.DLL (Active Acces...
I finished reading the rejected example from the Refactoring book yesterday. Great stuff. In fact, so good that if this didn’t even make it into the book the...
Thought it was about time I took a closer look at the printing support in the .NET framework and one of my friends had been asking about an applet for printi...
I realised that nearly every weblog post I start to write begins “I just got around to…” although I manage to edit it out of the final text sometimes. In any...
I’ve finally got around to making the source code available for my Internet Explorer print add-in. The zip file contains a (VS.NET) attributed ATL component...
I’ve uploaded a revised version of my Internet Explorer add-in for “width-fitted” printing (must come up with a better term than that). You can get it from t...
This is my first hit at an Internet Explorer add-in to support “width-fitted” printing. Have you ever printed a web page only to find that the right-hand edg...
Lots of C# links here.
Finally got the code I’ve been working on for the last few weeks all hooked up together so that I have some ASP.NET pages calling into my class libraries, wh...
Just a quick code snippet for an Autorun applet that calls ShellExecute on the command line argument.
Genie allow you to send up to 600 free SMS text messages each month using a free account from their web site. I’ve written a quick C# class that allows you ...
Creating a Multi-User TCP Chat Application shows how to write asynchronous TCP socket applications using .NET.
HTTP Made Really Easy is a great article that describes the basic HTTP protocol should you wish to implement your own client/server.
If you’re interested in writing apps that use the MSN Messenger protocol, Chris Sells has written some simple C# code to send messages.