Have another SWIG…

less than 1 minute read

This is mostly a bookmark for me because this isna€™t something I need right now but is definitely something I can see needing in the future. According to th...

XMLStarlet Command Line XML Toolkit

1 minute read

I’ve recently been writing some scripts to automate a test harness. The test harness takes in an XML file as it’s input. It turns out that most of the tests ...

Upgrading to Subtext 2.0

less than 1 minute read

I followed the last few changes to Subtext 2.0 through the Subtext mailing list over the last couple of months and fully intended to upgrade to the pre-relea...

Running managed code from a network share

2 minute read

Since the launch of .NET all those years ago now, one issue keeps coming up for me. You create a quick proof-of-concept and stick it on a network share so th...