ASP.NET Viewstate handling You can…
ASP.NET Viewstate handling
ASP.NET Viewstate handling
Q306158 INFO: Implementing Impersonation in an ASP.NET Application
FTP Pluggable Protocol Sample: This sample demonstrates a pluggable protocol handler for the ftp:// protocol using WebRequest.
New Windows XP SP1 “feature”: Q328403 Anarchy Online Stops Responding When Dungeon Door Slides Open to Reveal Foe. :o)
Report.NET is a powerful library that will help you to generate PDF documents in a simple and flexible manner. The document can be created with data that hav...
How to enable HTTP compression in IIS v5 on Windows 2000:
Adding a date to your Radio archive pages - I’ve recently added a local site search to my pages using Atomz Express Search and having a date in the title of ...
Visual SourceSafe tips:
I’ve recently bought an S-VIDEO cable for my laptop that allows me to use my laptop as a DVD player through my VCR or TV without everyone having to huddle ar...
Al Macintyre’s Radio Doc Sources bookmarks.
ASP.NET Process Model - Thomas Marquardt [DOTNET-CLR]:
Auto-expansion of expressions in the VS.NET debugger: Look in %VSDIR%/Common7/Packages/Debugger for the files
Programmers: Prepare now for .NET Framework 1.1 - breaking changes. Programmers: Prepare for .NET Framework 1.1. You can all now publically (outside the beta...
Preparing and Mining Data with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Analysis Services HTML: Preparing and Mining Data with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Analysis S...
.NET Framework Support on Windows Operating Systems. A guide to the versions of Windows on which the .NET Framework can be installed, with software requirem...
Onions in the Varnish
ALAN COOPER, KNOWN as the “Father of Visual Basic” and the author of The Inmates are Running the Asylum:
…I started tinkering with gSOAP, I’m impressed so far, it also includes a standalone HTTP stack, so is an ideal candidate for embeding into applications. [Si...
I keep forgetting to link to What a cool idea, online programming competitions! [joelonsoftware]
First Xopus open source release online. Sjoerd Visscher: My colleague atQ42who runsthe Xopus projectputa stable release onlinelast friday. There’s even some ...
Link from Simon Fell [win_tech_off_topic]: