Test post with upgrade to Subtext 2.5

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I have upgraded this blog to Subtext 2.5 and moved hosting providers from WebHost4Life to Arvixe. This is a test post to make sure it is all working.

IEBlog - CSS 2.1 Implementation Reports

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I want to provide an update to my __last blog post about the W3C process_ that we follow to develop and finalise Web Standards. The working group published t...

Working with Web Standards

less than 1 minute read

There’s lots going on in the web standards world and being part of the Internet Explorer team gives me a front row seat. We’ve posted a few updates on the IE...

IEBlog - Working with the HTML5 Community

less than 1 minute read

We’re always excited to engage with members of the W3C including the developers of other browsers as well as the broader web development community to help sh...