What does “done” mean to you?
Scott Hanselman discusses Scrum with Ken Schwaber in his recent Hanselminutes podcast. A large part of the conversation centres on the meaning of a€oedonea€...
Scott Hanselman discusses Scrum with Ken Schwaber in his recent Hanselminutes podcast. A large part of the conversation centres on the meaning of a€oedonea€...
Clearing out my loft I came across my collection of Sinclair paraphernalia. I worked my way up through the Sinclair systems, ZX-81, ZX-Spectrum and ultimatel...
Apparently, the IE team sent a celebration cake to Mozilla to congratulate them on shipping Firefox 3. It’s ironic that the mozillalinks.org page describing ...
Phil Haack has a succinct description of the difference between MVC and MVP based on an explanation of why MVP evolved. Good stuff.