RSS and SourceSafe

less than 1 minute read

Greg writes: “Hot out of the RAI lab…RSS feeds generated from Visual SourceSafe. Many development shops use some kind of email notification for source change...

The XML Big Picture

less than 1 minute read

_If you were confused about XML, [this picture]( will help or make it worse. :)_ > > _But the cool thing ...

Googling your weblog

less than 1 minute read

_Funny you should ask. I remembered writing about just that on my weblog a while back. So, I fire up Google, type in "SAP .NET Scoble" and out came the answe...

The XML API Challenge

less than 1 minute read

_Everyone knows what the right answer is, but the problem is that half of them know that it is "fix it" and half of them know it is "don't fix it", and they ...

A Special Dr. GUI: Don’t Lock Type Objects!

less than 1 minute read

Dr. GUI describes how to avoid potential deadlocks in multithreaded programs by not using the common, but wrong, idiom of locking a type object. [MSDN Just ...

PowerToys for Visual Studio .NET 2003

less than 1 minute read

PowerToys for Visual Studio .NET 2003 are a collection of cool utilities and tools developed by Microsoft that enhance Visual Studio. This initial collection...


1 minute read

I’ve been working on an application that needs to handle the case where different users and/or different servers are located in different time zones. To acco...