Alan Cooper Interview. Visual Studio Magazine…
Alan Cooper Interview.
Alan Cooper Interview.
HOW TO: Use the ASP.NET Utility to Encrypt Credentials and Session State Connection Strings
Essential .NET Security. Keith Brown, fellow DM instructor and security geek, is writing Essential .NET Security online - a draft ASP.NET chapter kicks thing...
ADO.NET DataSet Helper Articles: a sequence of MSKB articles describing how to code a variety of DataSet operations using a helper class.
I’ve been moving my site to a different provider over the last couple of days. I’m using because they include ASP.NET hosting and a SQL Serv...
DOTNET-WEB [Drew Marsh]: Server.Transfer in ASP.NET
How To Make Google Your Browser Default Search Engine
Acronym Shortage Threatens Web Services Community
Topical Reference. Douglas Adams. “I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.” [Quotes of the Day] [Peter Drayton’s Radio Weblog]
To store “hidden” data between ASP.NET page invocations:
Regular expression library - a library of commonly used regular expressions.
ASP.NET Default Buttons