whois command line client A Win32 port of whois…
whois command line client
whois command line client
A big welcome to Adrian who seems to be a Microsoft/.NET type of guy. Thanks for the handy COM+ tip. [Sam Gentile’s Radio Weblog]
If you create a client proxy installation for a COM+ application, you can specify the remote server name (RSN) on the command line to msiexec:
Microsoft Developer Tools Roadmap 2002–2004
Don’t Break My Flow
Monster site of .NET Links and Resources. It has just come to my attention that Keene Systems is maintaining a most excellent .NET Resoource Site with tons o...
On demand symbol file downloading:
Joel on Software - The Joel Test: 12 Steps to Better Code
Jenifer Tidwell: UI Patterns and Techniques. “Each of these patterns (which are more general) and techniques (more specific) are intended to help you solve d...
Caching with .NET Using Interfaces. Builder.com has another decent .NET article on Caching. You can take a variety of approaches to caching with .NET, inclu...
TCP/IP Tutorial. Ran into a good introduction to TCP/IP, including simple explanations of the various layers and protocols and a detailed explanation of addr...
Edsger Wybe Dijkstra: 1930-2002
URL Rewriting with ASP.NET
OMNISCIUM - Nerdy Tips http://www.omniscium.com/nerdy/Tips/
[ Shawn A. Van Ness: win_tech_off_topic] Tab key filename completion