Ever wanted to undelete files on an NTFS drive?…
Ever wanted to undelete files on an NTFS drive? File Scavenger 2.0 seems like it’ll do the trick if it is possible (if the data hasn’t been overwritten alrea...
Ever wanted to undelete files on an NTFS drive? File Scavenger 2.0 seems like it’ll do the trick if it is possible (if the data hasn’t been overwritten alrea...
One of the reasons I started using Radio was with the intention that I could record useful web links or factlets that I would be sure to want again in future...
MP3/audio source code links:
I noticed that I’m getting quite a few hits through Google for the note I wrote about MFC70.DLL and OLEACC.DLL, especially related to Win95. With this in min...
Useful free VB6 code including MD5 digest calculation source in VB, VBScript, and JavaScript.
“My first experiences with Oracle 9i”.
XDuplicator makes a great GUI front-end to the CDRDAO toolset. Best of all, they’re both free.