less than 1 minute read

Like a growing number of people, I read a lot of content on medium.com. I wanted to find a way to share the posts that I find most interesting.

Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been playing with Microsoft Flow, which allows you to create automated workflows between different apps and services. I’m not on the Flow team - I just think the service is interesting, especially now that it is available for everyone to use. It reminds me of Yahoo Pipes.

Screenshot of Microsoft Flow editor

Tweeting out recommended reading from medium.com is very simple using Flow. Medium has an RSS feed with a list of your recommendations at https://medium.com/feed/@_your-medium-id_/has-recommended. You can create a new Flow trigger from this RSS feed so that new entries cause the flow to run. By adding Post a tweet action, you can cause the new entry to post to Twitter. You can use data from the RSS field to populate the tweet. I post the URL and the title of the recommendation.

That’s it. I saved the flow with my Twitter credentials and now whenever I click the recommended button on a medium.com post, I tweet about it within a few minutes.
