less than 1 minute read

[_ Smartphone_](http://www.pocketsoap.com/weblog/2003/02/15.html#a1022)_. .......having the ability to leverage my development skills as well as code I've already written on to the phone is a tremendous plus for me. [_[_The Furrygoat Experience_](http://www.furrygoat.com/archives/000265.html)_] Well yeah, except that I don't know anyone who does windows development without one or more frameworks (MFC, ATL, Atila, WTL), none of which you get with Smartphone, just raw API's, very 1990's !._ [[Simon Fell](http://www.pocketsoap.com/weblog/)] > >

Someone has ported a subset of WTL for the Smartphone however.
